10 High Quality Sources of WordPress  Articles

WordPress is quickly becoming one of the most well known open source PHP platforms for content management. Surprising, there is a lack of quality literature out there for professional designers and developers looking to learn more about working with the platform. In my opinion this is because WordPress is a constantly changing beast. Write a book on WordPress one year, and it will quickly be out of date the next. This makes it undoubtedly hard for traditional writers to keep on the cutting edge of things.

If you’re a developer I recommend reading the many high quality sources of information available on the web. This is really the only way to stay on the bleeding edge of things. I’ve decided to share with you the sources I frequently read, and hope that you can contribute some ideas to make this list grow as time goes on.

Development & Plugins

  1. Noupe.com’s WordPress Category – Noupe has some great lists and articles available in a setup similar to Smashing Magazine.
  2. Yoast – Though not directly focused on WordPress, Joost de Valk has some some great articles about WordPress and has also contributed a great deal to the community at large by creating some very useful plugins over the years.
  3. Weblogs Tools Collection – A great resources for marketing your blog, and improving it with the latest tools and plugins.
  4. Lorelle on WordPress – Lorelle has been writing about all things WordPress since the beginning of time it seems. She has some great articles that talk about WordPress’s inner functionality, extendability through the use of plugins, troubleshooting and all things developer related.
  5. WPShout – A newer one I’m less familiar with, it’s entirely focused on WordPress and looks pretty promising.

Marketing & Profitability

  1. ProBlogger – ProBlogger is focused on marketing, writing and sellingĀ  your blog. They have some invaluable articles that discuss writings styles, how to profit off of advertising, and how to reach your audience.
  2. Upstart Blogger – More focused on the topic of blogging for profit in general, this one is a great resource for anyone who runs their own professional blog.


  1. WeLoveWP – A design gallery to help you get inspired before your next design, or to realize that WordPress really can power beautiful, elegant websites.
  2. WPDesigner – A design focused blog specializing in WordPress.
  3. Vendelay Design: WordPress Category – This could have made it to the development list above, but since it’s by a design firm I figured that “design” was more appropriate. Needless to say they have some pretty great WordPress articles relating to both design and development.


This list is far from complete. Show me up and let me know some of your favorite source of high quality WordPress information!

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Meet the Author

Kevin Leary, WordPress Consultant

I'm a custom WordPress web developer and analytics consultant in Boston, MA with 16 years of experience building websites and applications. View a portfolio of my work or request an estimate for your next project.